Using NFTs for marketing ? Please!

antoineh.eth I
2 min readJul 20, 2022

It’s February 1st, 2023, and a year ago, your company was the first ever to stop keeping any user data to run marketing.
Now business is stronger than ever… ⬇️

At first glance, your #website looks the same as before, except for this super annoying popup on cookies. Instead of it, visitors are welcomed with a message stating your site is personal-data-free.

You know that content is key to engaging future customers, so you created a bunch of #whitepapers, #articles, #webinars, and product sub-pages.
The new thing is that to access the site beyond the first page, the user must identify with an anonymous #web3 key, in fact, a simple browser extension*. No more emails, no more names. No more personal info
For each action (visit a gated page, or download a white paper), the visitor is rewarded with points sent to his #wallet (it’s called « #airdrop #tokens » in the web3 jargon) or an #NFT!
At the next visit, the gating system will check the tokens/points or NFT held and adjust the experience accordingly, driving the more active users to the sales team.

And of course, tokens/NFTs can be used in parallel to build the first steps of #CRM, in a freemium plan for example…

Want to discuss your first steps in symmetrical marketing? Drop us a note in the comments !



antoineh.eth I

Helping companies integrate web3 into their traditional marketing mix. 20y exp. in 🇫🇷 🇮🇳 🇸🇪🇫🇮🇷🇴. &